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HubSpot Payments vs DepositFix

HubSpot Payments vs DepositFix

Discover why DepositFix is a superior alternative to native HubSpot payments, offering more flexibility, international coverage, and advanced features for diverse business needs.

What is HubSpot Payment?

HubSpot Payment is the CRM’s native payment tool that lets you collect one-time and recurring payments for customers. Essentially, HubSpot Payments lets you: 

  • Collect payments through a payment link. You can use the link to process one-time or recurring payments.
  • Share the link. Your customers can make payments when you share the link with them, or you can embed it on your website, forms, emails, and CTAs. 

The payment link works for nearly any type of payment, including payments for professional services, deposits, or recurring subscriptions. 

Do you need multiple links for different customers? Nope — you can receive payment from multiple customers with a single link.

This feature is integrated into HubSpot’s Smart CRM, meaning you no longer have to switch between tools and systems.

But what’s the catch? HubSpot Payment doesn’t allow direct Stripe integration. You can’t use other Stripe tools or migrate to other Stripe-supported devices. 

Apart from that, HubSpot Payment has the following downsides: 

  • You can’t use PayPal (or other payment processes, for that matter)
  • You have to live in the US to use HubSpot payments
  • You don’t have access to a customer portal
  • You can’t customize payment links to match your brand 
  • You can’t offer one-click upsells
  • You can’t offer product variants 

To use HubSpot payments with debit/credit card function, you’ll pay a 2.9% transaction fee. For ACH payments, you pay 0.5% capped at $10 per ACH transaction. 

What is Commerce Hub? 

As you can imagine, not having the ability to use Stripe and other payment processors with HubSpot Payment can be an issue for some customers. As a result, HubSpot launched Commerce Hub.

With Commerce Hub, you can run multiple commerce processes and use multiple tools for quoting, payments, reporting, and customer data. 

In other words: you can now use Stripe with HubSpot Payments through Commerce Hub. 

Here are some of Commerce Hub’s most popular features: 

  • Invoices: create and send invoices directly from your Smart CRM. 
  • Payment Links: create simple payment links that let you receive payments on your website, email, etc. 
  • Quotes: create and send quotes with branded templates.
  • Subscriptions: collect, manage, and report recurring payments alongside your HubSpot Smart CRM.
  • B2B Checkout: customize your checkout experience. 
  • Flexible Payment Processing: quickly collect payments directly from Smart CRM using your existing Stripe login (beta) or HubSpot Payment. 

Automation and reporting features are also available. 

The Commerce Hub’s custom billing automation lets you save time by automating processes such as collections, customer implementation, renewal management, and more. You can also integrate with QuickBooks for easy reconciliation and reporting. 

Like HubSpot Payment, the Commerce Hub also suffers from a few downsides: 

  • No multi-currency features
  • Doesn’t connect with PayPal 
  • Doesn’t connect with Apple/Google Pay 
  • Available only in the US 
  • No post-purchase actions
  • No upsell ability
  • No customizable receipt emails
  • No billing portal
  • No customized form view

For pricing, the Commerce Hub operates on a pay-as-you-go basis. This means you’ll pay a charged fee on every transaction you collect through the Commerce Hub features. 

If you use HubSpot payments, your fee will be 2.9% for all credit card transactions and 0.5% for ACH payments. ACH fees are capped at $10 per transaction. 

So what’s the difference? 

Essential, HubSpot Commerce Hub is a more powerful way to manage payments on HubSpot. You can process payments through HubSpot Payments or connect your existing Stripe account. 

So if you already have an existing Stripe login, it’s best to continue using Stripe through the Commerce Hub. But if you don’t have a payment processor yet or want to consolidate everything in HubSpot, then HubSpot Payment is a more practical choice. 

But what if you have a third option… something that offers MORE than HubSpot Payment and Commerce Hub can provide? 

That’s where DepositFix enters the picture. 

Why DepositFix is Better 

DepositFix is a payment solution that offers most of what the two above offer — and more. It’s the perfect choice for greater flexibility and customization beyond native HubSpot features. 

Unrestrictive Integrations 

While Commerce Hub does offer Stripe integrations, it’s limited and restrictive. You can’t integrate other payment gateways like PayPal and Google Pay.

Meanwhile, DepositFix lets you do all that. Use it when you already have a Stripe account and want to keep all of your existing customers’ credit cards and subscriptions. It also allows you to use all Stripe-integrated tools. 

We even provide migration services if you want to import all of your transactions from your existing payment processor to DepositFix. And yes, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and other payment options are allowed, too. 

International Coverage 

Unlike HubSpot Payment and Commerce Hub — which are only available to US residents — DepositFix accommodates transactions from anywhere in the world. 

You get the same connected payment technologies in all markets through our global platform. DepositFix is available in 47 countries and supports all major currencies

Accept Donations

Donations aren’t allowed in both HubSpot Payment and Commerce Hub. However, DepositFix makes this possible through our integration with HubSpot for Nonprofits

Simply log in to your DepositFix dashboard, go to the Forms page, and create a payment form for donations. You also have the flexibility to choose whether the form can accept one-time or recurring payments. 

After setting up the form, simply click “Publish Form” and it will be ready on your HubSpot landing page. The best part? Your donors don’t get redirected to another page.

Portals and Customizations

You want to make your customers’ lives easier, so a customer portal that offers lots of features is a must. DepositFix offers this, too!

The billing portal lets your customers track their payments, change their subscriptions, and update credit card information with ease. 

Sales taxes? No problem — DepositFix lets you calculate sales taxes on the platform. This is important as an increasing number of digital products are subject to sales tax. DepositFix is integrated with TaxJar, so you don’t have to worry about different tax rates.

There’s more: you can create complex HubSpot workflows that can be triggered by payments. For instance, you can send customized receipts once a payment is complete. At the same time, the CRM data gets updated.

Upselling and Charges

DepositFix also offers the ability to upsell products during or after transactions. You can even charge customers later — either manually via a CRM extension or automatically through customized workflow actions. 

Use DepositFix Now 

Overall, HubSpot Payment and the Commerce Hub are powerful tools by HubSpot that their loyal customers like. However, their payment processing integrations are limited, and they’re missing a huge number of practical features that make customers’ lives easier. 

DepositFix is a great solution for this — we offer robust integrations, customization, and unrestrictive access to features. Some of the benefits you’ll get include: 

  • Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: DepositFix offers detailed and customizable analytics and reporting features. Using them will give better insights into your sales and customer behaviors. 
  • Superior Customer Support and Service: DepositFix offers dedicated customer support services. These include personalized assistance, faster response times, and comprehensive troubleshooting. 
  • Seamless Migration and Onboarding: DepositFix offers a smoother and more efficient migration process if you’re moving from another platform. We ensure minimal disruption to your operations. 

Overall, DepositFix offers more well-rounded and superior services that can fit your business needs. Try it out today and see the difference.

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