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September 2020 Product Updates

September 2020 Product Updates

- New Timeline Events and Workflows - Offline Payments - Share Forms - Rename Form Labels

Timeline events changes

There is a new timeline event 'DepositFix: New Order' which is being triggered only once when the payment form is submitted and all payment information is being synced to HubSpot.

This is a perfect trigger to send initial payment notification email.

The current 'DepositFix: Payment' event is now being triggered only for recurring payments or payments triggered directly from Stripe. This one can be used to send monthly receipts to your subscribers.  

So, why are these timeline events important?

They can be used as a trigger for your workflows and there many fields you can use to filter payments by:
product name, amount, currency, payment method, tax amount, etc.

If you've been using workflows based on 'DepositFix Payment' event for non-recurring payments, then you need to change it to be triggered by 'DepositFix: New Order'.
If you've been using standard 'DepositFix Successful Workflow' or 'DepositFix Failed Workflow' - you don't need to change anything, the old workflows will continue working.

Templates for receipt emails and failed notifications.

Now, when you create a new DepositFix account we automatically create workflows and email templates to send receipts and failed payment notifications.

Offline Payments

Your can process payments offline (payment by purchase order, mail checks), with the Offline Payment option, this will allow you to collect customers information, without any credit card or payment information. To enable Offline Payment, from your form builder, scroll down to Payment Methods > Offline Payment.

DepositFix offline payments

Share Form with Hosted Landing Pages

DepositFix provides you with landing pages, that will take you directly to your form, without having to embed your form in any other page.

Share form

Rename Labels

You can change the labels of all DepositFix form elements, directly on the form builder. You can use this feature to translate the text on specific labels, or change the text to something that is more relevant your terminology or branding.

Rename form field labels
Table of Contents:

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