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Eventbrite HubSpot Integration: Eventbrite Alternative for HubSpot Users You’ve Been Waiting for

Eventbrite HubSpot Integration: Eventbrite Alternative for HubSpot Users You’ve Been Waiting for

Discover DepositFix, the ideal Eventbrite alternative for HubSpot users. Enhance your online event marketing with seamless integration and flexibility.

The Eventbrite Alternative for HubSpot Users You’ve Been Waiting for

2020 forced the event industry to pause or to pivot to online meet-ups and events. 70% of marketers have already moved their events online, while 93% of them plan to invest in online events solutions in the near future. 

As a HubSpot user, you already have a powerful marketing tool at your fingertips. But when it comes to online event marketing, you may need a dedicated solution. Eventbrite is the usual go-to for event organizers and it has served them well for in-person events. However, online events are a different breed and they need a different approach, one that can be fully integrated with HubSpot.

Why Choose an Eventbrite Alternative to Integrate with HubSpot 

If you have already tried the HubSpot to Eventbrite integration for your online events, perhaps you already know that some features are less flexible than they could be. 

The integration between the two solutions offers some basic features but if you’re looking to leverage HubSpot to the fullest and take personalized campaigns to a new level, it might prove tricky.

For example, it is hard to transfer tickets from one event session to another. This shows that Eventbrite was built for in-person events, where such flexibility is rarely needed. 

Similarly, the email system is hard to automate, so you have two major options: send emails one by one or risk losing ticket sales.

Despite Eventbrite’s steep fees, its integration with HubSpot is still widely popular for in-person events. But online events need more flexibility and lower fees since organizers already charge less for tickets.

Enter DepositFix, the flexible online event solution for HubSpot users.

Meet DepositFix, the Turnkey Solution for Event Sellers on HubSpot

If just like the 93% of event marketers mentioned above, you’re looking to keep your events online for the foreseeable future, we’ve got great news for you! The DepositFix event solution integrates seamlessly with HubSpot to give you the flexibility and agility you’ve been looking for.

Here’s what to expect:

  1. Deep Integration for HubSpot Power Users

HubSpot is a marketing powerhouse. But even its countless features can become useless if it’s not properly integrated with the other solutions you use.

DepositFix is built specifically to integrate with HubSpot, so our primary concern is that HubSpot users can leverage all its features and functions to drive more ticket sales for their online events.

  1. Hyper-Targeted, Personalized Marketing Campaigns & Better ROI

71% of buyers expect a personalized shopping experience? When they get the experience they wanted, you get more sales and better ROI. Stop guessing whom to target and rely on actual data from your HubSpot dashboard.

Our integration works seamlessly, so you can personalize each campaign you send, make sure you don’t miss out on ticket sales and keep your customers coming back to your next events.

For instance, DepositFix adds new contact fields to HubSpot. This way, you will be able to segment and search your contacts by various criteria: event tickets purchased, amount spent, date of transaction, and more. 

  1. Multiple Payment Options

DepositFix automatically connects your HubSpot account to Stripe or PayPal, so you can leverage forms and pages to the fullest. 

  1. Ideal for Companies with Multiple Stripe/Bank Accounts

Organizing an event for people in multiple countries can be a nightmare. With DepositFix + HubSpot, you can use multiple Stripe accounts to connect to multiple bank accounts anywhere in the world where these services are available.

  1. Dynamic Tax Calculation

Tax season giving you a headache? Not anymore! DepositFix integrates with TaxJar, so you can easily calculate your taxes, no matter how many countries you sell to.

Each country or state has different rules for the taxes they collect and for when and how they collect them. If your events are sold internationally, this can be a huge hassle.

With DepositFix, you can calculate your sales tax dynamically, based on your location and the location of your customers. Due to our integration with TaxJar, you don’t have to worry about different tax rates anymore.

DepositFix + Hubspot/ Eventbrite comparison

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