Legal Billing Software

Our Legal Billing Software simplifies time tracking, invoicing, billing, and financial management for legal professionals and firms. Enhance accuracy and efficiency in your billing operations.

What is Legal Billing Software

Legal Billing Software is designed specifically for law firms and legal professionals. It automates time tracking, invoice generation, billing, and payment processing to reduce administrative overhead and improve accuracy. Features include customizable billable hour settings, expense tracking, and client trust accounting. This ensures compliance with industry standards and a transparent billing process for clients.

Capabilities of Legal Billing Software

Time Tracking
Automated Invoicing
Expense Management
Trust Accounting
Financial Reporting
Client Management

Highlights of Legal Billing Software

Key features of Legal Billing Software

How to Use This Legal Billing Software

Time Tracking and Billable Hours
Effortlessly track billable hours by associating them with specific cases or clients in the 'Time Tracking' module, ensuring precise billing based on actual work performed.

Invoice Generation and Customization
Create and personalize invoices, incorporating firm branding and itemized services, in the 'Invoice Generation' section, tailoring them to meet client needs and legal standards.

Client Trust Accounting
Manage client funds and trust accounts in the 'Trust Accounting' module, adhering to legal accounting standards and handling client retainers and settlements ethically.

Expense Tracking and Reimbursement
Efficiently record and manage all case-related expenses in the 'Expense Tracking' section, linking receipts to the appropriate cases for transparency.

Automated Billing and Recurring Invoices
Automate billing for recurring charges and manage periodic invoicing in the 'Automated Billing' module, saving time on routine billing tasks.

Payment Processing and Collections
Process client payments and manage overdue invoices in the 'Payment Processing' section, supporting various payment methods for client convenience.

Financial Reporting and Analysis
Generate detailed financial reports on billing, revenue, and client accounts in the 'Financial Reporting' module, gaining insights into your financial performance.

Client Portal for Payments and Invoices
Enhance client engagement and transparency by providing a portal for clients to view invoices, make payments, and check account balances in the 'Client Portal' section.

Integration with Legal Practice Management
Seamlessly integrate with legal practice management systems in the 'System Integration' module, ensuring cohesive case and billing management.

Data Security and Compliance
Ensure high standards of data security and compliance with legal industry regulations in the 'Data Security' section, protecting sensitive client information.

Legal Billing Software Is Designed For:

Law Firm Partners
Legal Billing Specialists
Law Office Managers
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Top 5 Legal Billing Software Solutions in 2024

1. TimeSolv

TimeSolv is a project management and billing platform that caters to the needs of different professionals, such as freelancers, consultants, and legal practitioners. One of TimeSolv's standout features is its compatibility with Mac devices, supported by cross-platform functionality. 

Budget sharing and milestone setting is offered through its case management tools. It’s also equipped with offline time tracking and automatic payment processing. TimeSolv is ideal for smaller firms and non-profits. However, we do have to mention that its accounting features are simpler compared to other solutions. 

2. MyCase

Another legal billing solution MyCase offers time tracking, case management, and online payments. The company provides LEDES billing and QuickBooks integration, which makes billing processes more efficient. 

Secure document storage, legal calendaring, and lead management features will help you manage your cases. The pricing options range from Basic to Pro, with varying features, including unlimited texting and document signing. Although MyCase lacks advanced reporting, it is an ideal solution for small law firms that require efficient case management without extensive accounting needs.

3. Rocket Matter

Rocket Matter is a legal billing software  that helps law firms enhance client service and increase revenue by over 20%. Rocket Matter provides trust accounting assurance, time and billing features, and paperless workflows. 

It is known for its award-winning customer service team. Even though it may come at a slightly higher price than its competitors, it substantially impacts small to mid-sized legal practices. 

4. Clio

A legal billing software, Clio allows to organize billing and all case details, contacts, and calendars on a single platform. The company offers remote access to case data and unlimited document storage, so it’s great for remote work. 

The Clio Suite comprises Clio Manage, the leading cloud-based case management software, and Clio Grow, a powerful client intake and CRM platform. Despite Clio’s brief trial period and higher pricing, it’s still the preferred choice for small to mid-sized law practices. 

5. AbacusNext

Another legal billing software option is AbacusNext, which has existed since 1983 (yes, it’s still alive and kicking!). It offers three tailored products:

  • AbacusLaw
  • Amicus Cloud
  • Amicus Attorney

AbacusLaw includes built-in accounting, while Amicus Cloud is a cloud-based solution for small firms. Amicus Attorney integrates with Microsoft 365 and QuickBooks. All three of them offer billing, case management, and invoicing. AbacusNext is perfect for large firms that need secure Private Cloud and integrated accounting. Still, it may be less user-friendly than its competitors.

Schedule a 30-minute consultation call with DepositFix team and see how you can improve your payment processes. You'll be surprised how much value you can get on this call.

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Discover the hidden automation potential in your payment, billing and invoicing workflows. Talk to our experts for a free assessment!