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The Freshest CRM Statistics You Need to Be Aware of to Properly Prepare for 2024

The Freshest CRM Statistics You Need to Be Aware of to Properly Prepare for 2024

Stay ahead in 2024 with the latest CRM statistics. Discover key trends and insights to optimize your CRM strategy for customer relationship management.

If there is one thing that CRM statistics from the recent years have shown, it's that delivering true value to the customer should be at the center of your business. Companies have tried different tactics from SEO to ads in order to get to their target audience only to realize that reaching wasn't difficult. Getting people to buy and be loyal to a brand is what brings the profit in. And that's where customer relationship management comes in.

So let's see what we learned so far!

Key CRM Statistics for 2023

Here's what statistics from the past years show:

1. Revenue from CRM platforms has increased by 393% between 2010 and 2020

(Mr Yum)

In 2022, CRM adoption and growth statistics show that revenue from CRM platforms has increased by 393% between 2010 and 2020. Additionally, the software is predicted to surpass ERPs by 2023. Furthermore, customers are prioritizing improving customer experience over increasing profits, which is reflected in the continuing growth of CRM systems. It is clear that companies of all sizes can benefit from utilizing CRM software for more than just business transactions; it's also being used for customer relationships, social networking and even for marketing automation.

2. Experts predict that the CRM market is expected to reach $80 billion by 2025


Experts predict that the CRM market is expected to reach $80 billion by 2025, and this growth will be driven by the need for businesses to have access to customer data in real-time. In 2023, the adoption of CRM software is expected to increase, with 91% of businesses using it. Companies will also look for more automated and efficient ways to manage their customer relationships with the use of AI and machine learning becoming increasingly common in CRM systems. The use of SuperOffice CRM can provide millions of data points which can help businesses stay up-to-date on trends in the industry as well as make informed decisions about their strategies.

3. The average amount of time it takes to reach a CRM ROI is 13 months

(Fit Small Business)

This statistic is significant as it highlights the importance and potential of CRM technology for businesses. It reveals that the average return on investment is high, and that adopting a CRM can reduce sales cycles by 8-14%, making it an effective way to improve customer service and generate leads and sales. The statistic also demonstrates the need to be patient when implementing a CRM, as it takes at least one year for its benefits to be realized.

4. The average ROI of a CRM is $30.48 for every dollar spent

(Fit Small Business)

CRM systems are important for businesses to leverage customer data and improve customer relationships, leading to increased profits. According to statistics, the average ROI on CRM is $30.48 for every dollar spent, with email marketing having a 360% ROI and income from CRM rising by 41% per salesperson. Apart from businesses, establishing good donor relationships is essential for nonprofits as well. That is why investing in a CRM system can therefore help increase profitability both for businesses and nonprofits alike.

5. The global CRM market is expected to grow 245% by 2028


The global CRM market is expected to grow by 245% by 2028 due to increasing customer adoption, growth in the B2B segment, and the increase in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations. As customers become more aware of the benefits of CRM technology, they are increasingly likely to adopt it. At the same time, businesses have been increasingly turning towards B2B solutions and ERP implementations as a means of streamlining their operations. This has led to increased demand for CRM solutions and thus increased growth in this field.

6. A majority of companies are prioritizing CRM activities

(Find Stack)

Companies are prioritizing CRM activities because it can help them increase sales, customer loyalty and productivity. It also enables better customer relationships and allows companies to track interactions with customers more efficiently. Additionally, CRMs provide an easy way for companies to become customer-centric, which is essential for success in the modern market.

7. 49% of CRM adoption projects fail

(Super Office)

CRM adoption projects fail for a variety of reasons, with lack of user adoption and the absence of proper planning being two major factors. Many users fail to adopt the platform fully due to a lack of technical knowledge or due to the project managers not accounting for different needs between sales and marketing when planning out a CRM adoption project. Additionally, many CRM projects are doomed from the start as they do not meet expectations and often less than 40% percent have end-user adoption rates above 90%.

8. The average CRM user adoption rate among sales reps is 73%

(Webinar Care)

The average CRM user adoption rate among sales reps is an important indicator of how successful CRMs are in helping them to increase their productivity, as well as the overall success of a company's implementation strategy. Knowing this statistic helps organizations better understand the potential benefits and challenges associated with implementing a new system, so that they can make informed decisions about which system best suits their needs.

9. CRMs can increase conversion rates by up to 300%


CRMs are important tools for businesses as they help to manage customer data more efficiently. This allows businesses to better target and communicate with their customers, which can have a significant impact on conversion rates. By tracking and managing customer data, CRMs can help reduce lead costs by 23% and boost conversion rates by 300%. Additionally, CRMs have the potential to increase revenue by 29% and reduce the sales cycle by 8-14%. The ROI for CRM software is also high, with returns exceeding 245% on average.

10. CRMs can improve sales by up to 29%

(Shift 4 Shop)

CRM systems are crucial for businesses that seek to increase their sales, as they help to improve customer relationships and generate leads. With CRMs, companies can more easily track and follow up with leads, leading to improved conversion rates of up to 29%. Additionally, the average return on investment for CRMs is $8.71 for every dollar spent. In short, CRMs are valuable tools that allow businesses to better manage their customer relationships which can lead directly to increased sales opportunities.

11. 91% of companies with 10+ employees use a CRM

(Web FX)

A CRM is an important tool for businesses to help track and manage customer relationships. It enables sales professionals to have better communication with customers, as well as consolidating data from multiple sources. This allows businesses to close more deals, as well as gaining a better understanding of their customer base and tailoring services accordingly. Additionally, the increasing access of CRMs from multiple devices and the rise in cloud-based versions makes it easier for companies to make use of these features.

12. CRM usage has grown from 15% in 2010 to 97% in 2020

(Super Office)

In the past decade, CRM usage has seen a significant increase. In 2010, only a few companies were using CRM solutions to manage customer relationships. However, by 2020 this number had increased greatly as more and more businesses realized the potential of these powerful tools to help them better serve customers and optimize their processes. This growth was further accelerated due to the effects of COVID-19 in 2020 which saw an even higher demand for reliable CRM solutions than before. Consequently, it is estimated that by 2028, the value of the global CRM market will be at least $128.97 billion as businesses continue to make use of these technologies for improved customer engagement and satisfaction.

CRM Market Trends and Predictions for 2023

Now let's see what is expected from the CRM market in 2023:

1. Growing adoption of cloud CRM

The growing adoption of cloud CRM is a key trend that will shape the future of the CRM market in 2023 due to its convenience and mobility, offering businesses 97% customer access. Cloud CRM's contact management, interaction tracking and schedule reminders are highly demanded features. Additionally, cloud-based CRMs reduce costs by leveraging existing technology while increasing efficiency via simultaneous data access from multiple devices. Resistance to change is cited as the main obstacle to adoption in 46% of surveyed companies; however, usage has increased from 15% in 2010 to 97% in 2020.

2. Increase in CRM user adoption rate

The increase in CRM user adoption rate is expected to shape the future of the CRM market in 2022 due to its ability to improve customer retention, enhance customer experience, and increase revenue. Its ability to help companies with their customer contact centers is also likely to play a role in this growth. Additionally, businesses will be able to leverage the increased ROI that comes with investing in a CRM system, as well as leveraging its powerful features such as ERP and CMS integration. With more companies taking advantage of these features, it's no surprise that CRMs are becoming even more popular than ERPs.

3. Growing focus on customer experience

The customer experience was a crucial factor in the CRM market in 2022. Companies that are able to provide an exceptional customer experience stand to benefit from higher customer loyalty and satisfaction levels, which can boost profits and market share. To remain competitive, companies must focus on providing an excellent customer experience, including offering consistent experiences across platforms and utilizing AI chatbots to improve communication with customers.

4. Emergence of innovative CRM technology trends

Experts suggest that the future of the CRM market will be shaped by a number of innovative CRM technology trends, such as increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. AI-driven tools have already started to appear in CRM systems, allowing for more accurate predictions and personalized customer experiences. Additionally, the introduction of blockchain technology into CRM systems can improve security and simplify the process of data sharing between different networks.

5. Increase in CRM benefits and ROI

CRM software is expected to shape the future of the CRM market in 2022, driven by a number of benefits it provides. For instance, businesses can expect a 29% boost in sales, 34% increase in productivity, and 42% higher forecast accuracy when using CRM applications. Moreover, implementing a CRM system can lead to an impressive 245% return on investment (ROI). Furthermore, customers expect companies to offer connected experiences and consistent interactions across departments - which indicates that businesses with low CRM adoption rates might be at risk of poor sales team performance. This also highlights why 84% of customers believe that providing exceptional customer experience is just as important as offering quality products and services.

6. Expansion of CRM usage

It is expected that the expansion of CRM usage in 2022 will shape the future of the CRM market in a variety of ways. The increasing adoption rates and revenue generated by CRM platforms indicate that businesses are recognizing the value these solutions can bring. By streamlining processes and providing data about customers, businesses can increase their productivity and improve forecast accuracy. As businesses look for ways to better understand their customers and track customer interactions, it is likely that the CRM market will continue to expand at a rate of 12%, reaching a value of $129 billion.

7. Growing use of PPC and SEO strategies

The growing use of PPC and SEO strategies is an essential part of the future of the CRM market, as these tactics help businesses reach more potential customers online. Additionally, CRM software helps businesses to better manage their relationships, making it a critical tool for success in today's digital environment. With useful statistics available to illustrate the impact of these strategies on various aspects such as adoption numbers, customer experience, profit growth, and market share among top CRM companies, businesses can understand how beneficial such techniques can be in driving their success.

How Do Customer Preferences Vary When It Comes to Selecting a CRM Platform?

Customers vary in their preferences when selecting a CRM platform. Popular choices in 2022 include HubSpot, Salesforce, Oracle, and Microsoft Dynamics. Customers prioritize functionality as the most important factor when selecting a CRM platform, followed by ease of use and pricing. Other factors that customers take into consideration include customer support offered and the size of the current system being supported. Ultimately, businesses may switch to a new CRM platform if they feel that their current one does not meet their needs or provide all the features they require.

Find out how to get the most of your HubSpot account in our guide.


As the latest CRM statistics show, customer relationships have gained more and more attention in the past years and the trend is only predicted to grow. Businesses cannot profit without customers which is why investing in a CRM software can prove beneficial.


1. What are the top CRM companies?

The top CRM companies are HubSpot, Salesforce, Microsoft, and Oracle. These companies are considered the best due to their customer-centric features, value of $120 billion, and ability to convert leads into customers. Additionally, they have a high share of the global mobile CRM market and their systems are expected to grow by 25% among marketing leaders in the next year. More businesses are adopting CRM technology within the first 5 years of launch which demonstrates its popularity for improving relationships with customers and providing better marketing ROI.

2. What is the market share for the top CRM companies?

The top CRM companies have a combined market share of 5% of the total CRM market share. Salesforce is the largest with a 2% share, followed by SAP and Oracle at around 4.8% each, at 2.7%, Zoho CRM with 1.5%, SugarCRM with two million users, Microsoft Dynamics CRM with a 2.7%, Zendesk valued at $2.1 billion and having over 40,000 customers and Freshdesk CRM being valued at 3$ billion and having more than one million customers respectively.

3. What is the growth rate of the CRM companies?

The growth rate for the top CRM companies is estimated to be around 10%.

4. What is the revenue for the best CRM companies?

The top CRM companies generate a revenue of around $5 billion annually. Salesforce is the leading CRM provider and has a market share of 19%. is one of the top CRM companies in the world and is valued at $2.7 billion, while Zoho CRM is estimated to be worth between $5 billion and $15 billion. SugarCRM has a current valuation of $350 million, Microsoft Dynamics represents 2.7% of the market share, and Zendesk is valued at $2.1 billion with an annual revenue for around 814 million dollars. Freshdesk has more than 40,000 paying customers with Freshwork's annual revenue coming in at approximately 100 million dollars.

5. What are the barriers to adoption of CRM for the companies?

The main barriers to adoption for CRM software are the difficulty of data entry, sales funnel tracking difficulties, bad data, a lack of integration with other tools and a perceived complexity that hinders full adoption. Additionally, there is also a lack of understanding of the benefits and trust in the software which can prevent companies from fully adopting CRM software solutions.

6. What are the benefits of using CRM?

The CRM companies offer businesses of all sizes a variety of benefits, such as increased sales, customer loyalty, and sustainability. Improved customer experience includes faster decision-making, streamlined operations, and improved collaboration between departments. Moreover, the use of AI technology in CRMs helps to improve sales efficiency and accuracy. Customers value a brand's commitment to providing a better customer experience even if it means spending more money. Additionally, CRM systems make it easier for sales agents to keep track of service histories for their customers while also providing more streamlined access to data. Salesforce is an example of one such top CRM company that offers great customer service experiences with its features and functionality.

7. What is the return on investment from the CRM?

The return on investment for the top CRM companies is estimated to be around $30 per dollar spent. This data comes from a 2014 study, which found that the availability of data shortens the sales cycle by 8-14%, and email marketing has the highest ROI at 360%. These figures suggest that with proper implementation of a CRM system, businesses can expect to see an impressive return on their investments in terms of time and money.


Encharge | Entrepreneur | Find Stack | Fit Small Business | Mr Yum | Spiceworks | SuperOffice | Shift4Shop | Webinar Care | Web FX |

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