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The New DepositFix 2.0

The New DepositFix 2.0

Discover how DepositFix's latest features streamline payment, billing and accounts receivable processes, simplify subscriptions, and enhance customer experience for online businesses.

We’ve rebuilt DepositFix from scratch during the past year. 

We haven’t publicly announced it, there wasn’t a big bang about this, we’ve just let our customers FEEL the difference. And they loved it (phew!).

If you only have 1 minute to get a gist of what DepositFix has evolved into, here it is:


DepositFix has become a billing platform that consolidates payments, billing, and revenue management. It solves financial data chaos for high-growth companies, offering a single source for customer payment data — powerful and flexible, yet simple to navigate.

And while previously HubSpot was required to use DepositFix, you can now use DepositFix on its own (and other CRM integrations are coming soon). 

Here’s the longer version:

DepositFix was born as a CRM-integrated payment solution. 

About two years ago we started noticing limitations that were going to hinder future growth. Since 2023 we’ve been quietly working on rebuilding the entire code base, designing for future expansion (kind of like how they build roads in Texas, with a 50-year expansion plan). 

Check out below how DepositFix’s latest features simplify and streamline billing and revenue lifecycle, improve business operations, and set the stage for online business growth. 

Streamlined Product Management

Independent Product Library

DepositFix has launched an independent product library that allows organizations to create standalone products that can be reused throughout any forms or payment gateways. You can set the name, currency, and pricing options.

This saves time, streamlines setup processes, and ensures consistency in product presentation on many platforms regardless of the payment method used.

Product Library

Flexible Pricing Strategies

DepositFix has added advancing pricing options:

The former allows companies to set prices that adjust automatically based on specific dates. That is ideal for time-sensitive offers and promoting early bird sales. The latter adjusts prices based on the quantity purchased. That increases sales volume and encourages bulk orders. 

Dynamic Discounts

DepositFix's Dynamic Discounts unlock the power of compelling discounts. This innovative tool allows you to effortlessly create customizable discount templates and generate unique discount codes, automating the process and saving valuable time. 

Whether you're running seasonal promotions, enticing early bird sales, or rewarding loyal customers, the Dynamic Discounts feature makes discounts more appealing and effective in driving sales and boosting customer engagement.

Simplifying Subscriptions

Easy Subscription Setup

Now, DepositFix provides an in-built feature for seamlessly creating and managing subscriptions. Within the platform, you can now set up recurring payment models and offer your customers flexible billing options, ensuring a consistent revenue stream. 

Enhanced Customer Experience

Companies can enhance customer satisfaction and retention by offering flexible subscription options. DepositFix improves overall customer loyalty and experience by empowering organizations to provide different subscription plans specific to various customer needs.

Improved Payment Gateway Functionality

Introduction of New Gateways

DepositFix now allows you to use two new payment gateways, CardConnect and Authorize.Net, known for their safe credit card transaction processing. These two additions expand the platform’s compatibility and provide companies with more options. They also ensure more secure and smooth transactions for your customers. 

So, DepositFix is compatible with multiple payment gateways, including PayPal, Authorize.Net, and CardConnect

Testing Capabilities

The introduction of a new test gateway offers businesses the opportunity to test many product combinations before they go live. This feature provides a stress-free testing environment, making sure that payment processes are error-free and seamless from the beginning. That ultimately leads to improved customer experience. 

Diverse Payment Methods

Expanded Payment Options

DepositFix has made substantial improvements to its integration with PayPal and Stripe to support more payment methods. PayPal integration has been enhanced to support subscriptions and credit card payments seamlessly. 

On the other hand, Stripe now supports ACH and other banking methods, offering customers more payment options.

multiple payment methods

Revenue Report

This new version provides users with a comprehensive overview of revenue over selectable date ranges.

  • Advanced Filtering: Users can filter data by various criteria, including products, discount statuses, and more.
  • Data Grouping: Organize data by different objects, such as specific forms or discounts used.
  • Detailed Transaction Analysis: Drill down into specific transactions, for instance, viewing sales of a particular product in a specified month.
  • Export Capabilities: Easily export detailed transaction data to a CSV file for further analysis.

Sales Insights: Access total sales per product directly on the product pages and view associated contact sales information.

PDF Receipts

Maintain regulatory compliance with detailed PDF Receipts for every transaction. These receipts include line items, discounts, and taxes and are generated automatically inside DepositFix.

Table of Contents:

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